
Tuesday, October 01, 2024

A few updates

We explored along Sarn Helen starting from Coelbren to get some records from unrecorded areas. The views were also rewarding as we approached the Nedd valley.

This had us stumped - and the online picture ID apps actually helped - a common enough plant but we weren't familiar with the fruits.
Sneezewort, Ystrewlys or Achillea ptarmica

And a section of the road where Roman drainage no longer worked yielded this.

Floating Bur-reed Cleddlys arnofiol or Sparganium angustifolium

And here is a lovely view of the Beacons from an unusual viewpoint, Cwar yr Ystrad on Llangynidr Mountain. Anne was exploring another under recorded area.
Photo by Anne Griffiths

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A picture gallery

 I wasn't around for a large part of the recent work so here is a gallery of finds since the last blog.

Bee Orchid, Tegeirian y wenynen, Ophrys apifera
Found by Stevein late June at a new site.

Bog Asphodel, Llafn y bladur, Narthecium ossifragum
Found by Anne at some height.

Marsh Pennywort, Dail-ceiniog y gors, Hydrocotyle vulgaris
It's very rare to see the flowers of this on open display. Group outing.

A conundrum to be looked at again next year. Helleborine, probably Broad-leaved Helleborine, Y galdrist lydanddail, Epipactis helleborine but certainly unusual. Arlene.

Blue Fleabane, Amrhydlwyd glas, Erigeron acris (Erigeron acer)
A new site from Anne.

Bog-rosemary, Andromeda'r gors, Andromeda polifolia
Another new site from Steve.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Searching and (sometimes) finding

Very briefly - we have been busy and mainly looking for rarities...

We didn't find Annual Knawel, recorded previously on the road up past Little Hill but we think we found the botanically rich area where it used to be. There was an abundance of Slender Parsley-piert though - mainly like the example below and a very few with flowers.

Slender Parsley-piert or Troed-y-dryw main, Aphanes australi

Later in Coelbren we were looking for Samolus valerandii - now twice recorded near our border there. We didn't find it but did get a long list of good things and a better idea of where to continue the search.

Ferns near Ceolbren (Narrow Buckler and Lady)
Wild Basil or Brenhinllys gwyllt, Clinopodium vulgare

On a BIS Recording Day near Hay, Claire found Intermediate Enchanter's Nightshade near the Dulas Brook.

And we had a day out with members of the Brecon Beacons Climbing & Mountaineering Club. We all got onto the very tricky crags below Fan Nedd and were able to make new records of plants that grow on them - last recorded in many cases in the 1970s.

I didn't get below the top outcrop - but the younger ones did get to lower and steeper crags.

Ben and Steph on the more accessible crags

Fir Clubmoss or Cnwp-fwsogl mawr, Huperzia selago
Photo by Dorian Thomas

Wilson's Filmy-fern or Rhedynach teneuwe Wilson, Hymenophyllum wilsonii

Crass-leaved Hawkweed, Hieracium inspissatum
Photo by Dorian Thomas

Stopping to let a car pass on the narrow road back resulted in my spotting this from the passenger seat.

Orpine or Canewin, Hylotelephium telephium (Sedum telephium)
It is native but relatively uncommon in the county, occurring sporadically in hedgerows as here.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Finding rare plants

(Rare for our county that is.)

I have been away for much of the time since the last post but that didn't stop the intrepid Brecknock Botany Group members going out and finding things.

Some notable finds:

Chrysosplenium alternifolium (Alternate-leaved Golden-saxifrage)
Lathraea squamaria (Toothwort)
and Wahlenbergia hederacea (Ivy-leaved Bellflower) all near Erwood by Anne Griffiths

Lathyrus nissolia (Grass Vetchling) in Brecon by Joan Millard

Sherardia arvensis (Field Madder) Field edge near Newbridge by Fiona Stone.

Since I came back the main event has been the full confirmation of Circaea alpina at a completely new site on Tarren yr Esgob, right on our border. Sam Thomas took us to it, confirming the difficulty of access and that the population was more extensive and robust than first thought. It is near one of the well-recorded Sorbus stenophylla trees but far enough above on difficult terrain to easily be overlooked. As when Sam first found the site, it poured with rain!

Alpine Enchanter's-nightshade or Llysiau-Steffan y mynydd, Circaea alpina
Picture by Steph Coates

At our BSBI meeting on 13th July we found several long unseen species at Craig y Rhiwarth, particularly Galium sterneri (Limestone Bedstraw), Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley) and Polypodium cambricum (Welsh Polypody).

Limestone Bedstraw or Briwydd y calch Galium sterneri
Picture by Tim Oliver

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Mid Year Catch Up

We have encountered Buck's-horn Plantain twice in the last few weeks, which rather contradicts the Stace distribution information: "mostly near sea ... inland in scattered lowland places mainly in England".

The first was at 260m near the Caban Coch Dam above the Elan Valley Centre.

Buck's-horn Plantain or Llyriad corn carw (Plantago coronopus) at Caban Coch

The next encounter was along the road across Llangynidr / Llangattock Mountains at nearly if not quite 500m.
As above - this time found by Anne and Joan

But note how hairy this one is. Stace is helpful here: "Variably hairy annual to perennial ...". We love and depend on Stace's "New Flora of the British Isles" - Fourth Edition and the remarks above should be taken in the spirit of a quest to update the knowledge for further editions...

The plant is now known along at least a mile - probably more - of that mountain road.

I spotted the next find when taking a short walk in Talgarth, there on the Ennig was a familiar Willow, or was it ? The look and feel was Bay Willow which we started getting to know at its few sites in the county last year. But this one has longer leaves than the descriptions and keys allow. The answer was in the book - it must be the hybrid with Crack Willow:

Shiny-leaved Willow (Salix x meyeriana or Salix pentandra x fragilis)

Confirmation was impeded by it being inaccessible for samples (that is a long telephoto picture) but on a later visit I found more of it downstream in an accessible place.

Also in Talgarth was this:

Dewberry or Mwyaren Fair (Rubus caesius)

One of the few members of the genus that ordinary mortals can name with some confidence. There is plenty of it about in Hay also.

It was nice to see this through the fence in an adjoining field at Craig y Nos on a quick visit:

Marsh-marigold or Gold y gors (Caltha palustris)

A new record for the 1km square with only one record in 1998 anywhere near.

And this (grown from seed last year) flowered:
Carline Thistle or Ysgallen Siarl (Carlina vulgaris)

Not that common and a shy flowerer. It only opens up fully in full sun and sulks when clouds come over...

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Pillwort to Nonea

 We continue to have a botanically eventful start to the year.

Just after the last post several of us met up near Twyn y Beddau under Hay Bluff. I expected to easily show the group the Pillwort that grows up there but that wasn't how it turned out as the pools were very full due to recent rain and not a sign to be seen in most of them of the rare little fern in the water or at the edges. But we did find it at the last pool we looked in which had been thoroughly trampled by horses or cattle, churning up some floating examples:

Pillwort, Pelenllys gronynnog or Pilularia globulifera

(We did put this back!) Pictures from previous years:

Showing the characteristic unfolding of a small frond.

Then the following week at Capel y ffin we saw an abundance of Moschatel which we had been looking for and also happened on this patch of "ALGS" by the road:

Alternate-leaved Golden-saxifrage, Eglyn bob yn eilddail or Chrysosplenium alternifolium

The ALGS is to the right (about 3/4 of the frame) with the much more common OLGS (Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage) to the left. I only noticed the change in background texture when I viewed the photograph later. The basal leaves are quite different for the two species.

On the first trip up from Hay, my passenger, Anne, noticed "Alexanders!" on the way back. So I had to look for myself the next time - it's a narrow bit of the road so the drivers eyes have to be on the road ahead but we did spot it again, unfortunately with a car on our tail so couldn't stop. (If you know the road you will understand.) We managed a short stop for a photo on the way back that time.

Alexanders, Dulys or Smyrnium olusatrum

Not at all common in the county - our third record ever. It is more common in coastal areas and is thought to be a Roman introduction - their version of Celery - but quickly dropped when modern Celery was developed.

And today I heard of this, not 100m from where I live, from a group member who was in Hay yesterday:

Yellow Nonea or Nonea lutea

Growing at the edge of a pavement and spotted by Joan. New for the County but almost certainly a garden escape.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Some early botany

Several of us visited the Hutchinsia at Craig y Cilau on Wednesday. I like this picture because the Rue-leaved Saxifrage nearby, a small plant itself, gives a sense of the tininess of the Hutchinsia on the right.

Hornungia petraea, Hutchinsia, Beryn y graig.

Why Hutchinsia? - see this: Ellen Hutchins

The other main delight (apart from the spectacular views of course) was an abundance of rosettes of Early-purple Orchid - definitely to be visited again soon.

The team are out recording again with, for instance, four monad 20 year updates for Moschatel (or better - one monad was new).

See our current challenges here.

Tess has found Tuberous Comfrey straying from a garden into the wild for only the third county record.

Symphytum tuberosum, Tuberous Comfrey, Cyfardwf Oddfynog (Tess Lister)

And I took a new photo of the White Comfrey on a Llangattock verge, spotted by Ray Woods a few years back.

Symphytum orientale, White Comfrey, Cyfardwf wen