
Saturday, March 23, 2013

First proper meeting

But what a day ! Thanks to Vicky for joining me to look at the daffodils in Llandefaelog Wood and explore for other things we could jointly identify.

The daffodils would seem to be N. pseudonarcissus but maybe not as "pure" as those I posted last week. (Slightly flared / lobed corona on at least one of the few that were open enough to check.)

But writing down finds was becoming difficult by the time we departed (note to self - always take those fingerless mittens I bought in Bantry square a month ago). It was interesting to see so many regenerating conifers (Douglas Fir and ? obscure Abies) that must have come from parents outside the reserve. There was also a tall Larch with what we saw as largish cones very high up in our binoculars - so further investigation needed on that - maybe BWT know what it is.

I went to the "Captain's Walk" in Brecon next to look at a site where we (BWT volunteers) saw Butterbur leaves last year and lo and behold the flowers were just emerging:

Petasites hybridus, Brecon

It looks like my postponed plan for next Thursday at Abergwesyn might have to be put off again - the current long-range prediction is for 2 degrees during the day and -7 at night for that area - in other words an average below freezing !

Yesterday, on a historical heritage walk (tramways) I spotted a nice Helleborus foetidus (probably a garden escape in all honesty) in Glasbury. On the Brecon side of the Wye BUT VC 43 - Radnor - the old boundaries - aren't they wonderful ?

Helleborus foetidus, Glasbury

(Brecon hasn't had this recorded according to the current VC catalogue.)

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