
Thursday, October 05, 2017

A new site for Rough Horsetail

In May we went to Cwm Sere and almost missed a new site for Equisetum hyemale or Rough Horsetail (also sometimes known and Dutch Rush or Scouring Rush). In fact it was only because Alan, who was with us then, took a sample of what I had too readily dismissed as Water Horsetail that it came to my notice.

So a group of us went back yesterday to pinpoint the site and take some photographs.

There are only two other known sites for this Horsetail in the county.

The site:
The Nant Sere in National Trust owned woodland with Rough Horsetail growing from about where the photo was taken up to where Anne is photographing it above

Rough Horsetail, Marchrawnen y gaeaf or Equisetum hyemale

A few had fertile cones

The stems have characteristic banded "leaf-sheaths"

You can see here why it is "Rough" Horsetail

And I should include a picture of Alan's specimen from May that alerted me to my blunder!

Thanks, Sue, for this picture!

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